



你以前是怎么生活的 买一台软水机 为了你的家? 软水的奢华是无法比拟的. Home water treatment systems will run efficiently for many years if you take care of them. Keeping up on maintenance is a crucial step in protecting your investment and continuing to live in luxury.

好消息是,维护您的系统很简单. Every system is different and may have slightly different upkeep procedures. Be sure to consult with your water expert for the details of your specific system. But as a general rule, these are the simple steps to maintaining your system.


盐是获得美味软水的关键成分. Your 软水器 uses beads made of resin to attract mineral compounds, 比如钙和镁, 所以它们远离你的饮用水. 这些珠子需要定期清洗才能继续工作. The process of cleaning your resin beads is the reason your system needs salt. 盐会产生一种盐水溶液,可以冲洗珠子, 清除体内多余的矿物质, 保持你的水柔软新鲜.

Every system and home is going to have a slightly different salt schedule. Staying on top of it and using the correct salt are the keys to keeping your system running at peak efficiency. 计划每月更换一次体内的盐. 为了让事情变得简单, many water companies offer a convenient delivery service that ensures you have the right amount of salt on hand to keep the system on track.


Your 软水器 is integral to your home and should be on your regular household cleaning and maintenance schedule. Keeping it clean doesn’t take much and will help keep it running in tip-top shape. A well cared for system will save you headaches down the road, and your future self will thank you.

外部Cleaning: You mostly want to focus on keeping the external components of your system clean. 使用温和的Cleaning剂,保持它没有灰尘和碎片. 每隔几个月彻底擦拭一次. 避免使用漂白剂等研磨Cleaning剂. You also want to make sure nothing gets stored on top of your system. Avoid the temptation to stash any household items on top of your 软水器.

内部清洗: 每隔几年, you should schedule a service to have your 软水器 inspected and cleaned internally. 确保在系统盐供应不足时进行计划. The professionals can come in and get your internal components squeaky clean.

专业的Cleaning: 除了定期保养, there are a few instances when you want to ensure a professional cleans your system. 安装后应进行Cleaning消毒, 当它长时间处于空闲状态时, and any time you receive an alert about unsafe drinking water in your local area. 如果你的水有难闻的气味或味道, 打电话给当地的水专家,让他们看一看. 解决办法很简单,就是彻底Cleaning一下.


软水机的基本保养就是这么简单. 每个月花点心思就能做到最好. In addition to upkeep, watch for signs that something might be wrong with your system. 可能会出现一些常见的问题,但很容易解决.

盐桥接: 体内盐分过多会形成盐桥. 当水箱里的水没有达到盐的高度, 它会在原地变硬,在水面上形成一座桥. The bridge prevents the salt from dissolving in the water and forming a brine, 使柔软剂失效. 在加盐的时候注意这个, 如果你注意到桥的形成, 把它分开,调整你的盐含量. If your water seems hard, but your salt tank is full, it’s possible you have a salt bridge.

盐混合: Salt mushing is an issue with salt crystallization at the bottom of the tank. If the salt crystalizes, it creates mush at the bottom of the tank, forming a clog in the system. Mushing prevents salt brine from moving freely through the system to clean out the resin beads (making them ineffective). The only way to eliminate salt mushing is to clean your brine tank, 打破晶体, 然后用新的盐重新开始. 专业人士可以帮忙做这项大工作.

硬质水: If you begin to experience signs of hard water, call a professional out to assess your system. An expert can help you identify whether your system is malfunctioning or your family is exceeding the capacity of your system. 如果你买了一台高质量的软水机, 没有理由让你经历硬水. 如果你注意到这些迹象,是时候寻求帮助了.

你的系统基本上是自己运行的. 它不需要太多, 但如果你遇到任何问题, 最好咨询一下当地的自来水公司.


Water softener is crucial 为了你的家 and should be part of your regular cleaning and maintenance routine. Keeping it clean and well-maintained will save you trouble in the future. Check out the infographic for three 软水器 maintenance tips.
